Digital Photography Class at Japanese American Historical Plaza -- March 15, 2009 -- Portland, OR

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Mar 200915

Japanese American Historical Plaza
Portland, Oregon
United States

Digital Photography Class with Motoya Nakamura
at the Japanese American Historical Plaza

Interested in learning digital photography techniques and having fun taking photos? Join Oregonian staff photographer Motoya Nakamura as he leads a photo shoot at the Japanese American Historical Plaza.

The cost is $25 ($10 for Friends of the Legacy Center). RSVP required, deadline to sign up is Friday, March 13, 2009. Meet at the Plaza (at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, just north of West Burnside Street). Bring your camera and snacks, and dress for the weather. For more information or to sign up, contact the Oregon Nikkei Endowment.

Oregon Nikkei Endowment
121 NW 2nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97209



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Oregon_Nikkei . Atualizado em Jul 09, 2010 12:12 p.m.

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