


2010年8月30日 - 2010年11月16日

「真珠湾攻撃がもたらしたもの」は、第二次世界大戦中にハートマウンテンに収容された一世の幸島昭夫が書いたエピソード小説です。この物語は、著者がカリフォルニアで過ごした少年時代、ハートマウンテンで過ごした時間、そしてアメリカ陸軍に勤務した数年間の観察に基づいています。Discover Nikkei では、この作品からいくつかの章を厳選して掲載します。最初は「フロー」で、恋に落ちた若い女性と彼女の家族に戦争が与えた影響についての物語です。数週間後には「兵士は兵士」と小説のエピローグが公開される予定です。幸島は、自分の言葉が「子供や孫たちに自分たちの伝統を感じさせる」のに役立つことを願っています。


Flo - Part 3

2010年9月13日 • アキオ・コノシマ

It was not until the initial block meeting was ending that Jo noticed Flo and Hideo at one of the front tables, talking to Flo's two brothers and people Jo didn't recognize. Jo could not hear what they were saying, but he could see the shaking of heads and animated hand gestures. More block meetings, again often late into the night, followed. Though Jo had made up his own mind, the turmoil among his friends continued as they agonized over …

Flo - Part 2

2010年9月6日 • アキオ・コノシマ

The winter of 1942-43 at Heart Mountain was severe, or maybe all winters there were that severe. At 20 degrees or so below zero moisture would freeze on the hair in Jo’s nostrils when he breathed in. That Christmas brought the first deep snow—about a foot—that Jo was to experience. If anything, though, the winter harshness seemed to have made the romance between Flo and her boy friend that much cozier. Jo noticed, for instance, that while walking outside in …

Flo - Part 1

2010年8月30日 • アキオ・コノシマ

January 29, 1943: A War Department press release announces the registration program for both recruitment for military service and leave clearance. February 6, 1943: Army teams were scheduled to visit the 10-WRA administered camps…to register all male nisei of draft age. Each had to complete a special questionnaire, designed to test their “loyalty” and willingness to serve in the armed forces. Had things gone as they normally would have (if anything about camp living could be called normal) Flo probably …

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