


2007年1月5日 - 2016年3月31日



on Embracing Traditions

2009年12月25日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

The holidays are here! This year, at a time when we usually think about customs passed along through generations, I’ve been finding myself contemplating changing traditions. It’s hard to let go of what’s been ingrained as tradition year after year, especially when you enjoy it so much. Over the past few months though, I’ve been noticing an embracing of different cultures as part of our celebrations, a shift to a more multicultural holiday season. Growing up, the holidays meant food …

on Mixed Holidays

2009年3月20日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

Growing up, every year on the evening of March 16th, I would always make sure to wear something green to sleep. This was a self-preservation measure. If I didn’t—the moment I woke up—I would be mercilessly pinched by my mother, gleefully observing the St. Patrick’s Day tradition. I remember one year, my father, who is a gardener, came home from work wearing his usual work clothes. My mother was ready to pounce on him, but then he smiled broadly and …

on Memories of My First Visit to Hawai‘i

2009年2月13日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. Set aside for acknowledging the loves and relationships in our lives, it’s a day celebrated for exchanging obvious gifts like chocolates, flowers, or other so-called romantic gifts. This Valentine’s Day though, I will be spending the day at the Japanese American National Museum with my husband celebrating the quiet strength and subtlety of everyday lives and love. Gokurosama: Contemporary Photographs of Nisei in Hawai‘i, featuring black and white photos by Brian Y. Sato, opens to the …

on Emerging from Hibernation

2009年1月7日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

I was awakened from a dream this morning by a phone call. In my dream I had deeply gouged my hand, but it wasn’t bleeding. I was calmly, yet urgently, getting gauze and tape from a medicine supply cabinet when I was jarred from slumber. Sometimes, I occasionally have very involved and detailed dreams. These stress-induced dreams tend to have recurring plotlines and even similar settings. I haven’t had them in a while, but I’ve had dreams in which I’m …

on Daruma, Dorama, and Hope

2008年12月4日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

Daruma are popular Japanese symbols of perseverance. Often used as good luck charms to fulfill a special wish, it’s customary to paint in the right eye when the wish is made, then paint the other eye when the wish is fulfilled. It’s a traditional folk craft representing the 5th century Buddhist monk Bodhidharma who meditated so long that he lost the use of his arms and legs. Daruma dolls are often weighted on the bottom so that if tipped, they …

on What the Universe is Telling Me

2008年10月2日 • ビッキー・K・ムラカミ=ツダ

“Seek out the significance of your problem at this time. Try to understand.” —fortune from a recent cookie The universe is trying to tell me something. Lately, I’ve been getting these “signs” that are telling me that I need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. After a crazy and hectic summer, chock full of things both in my professional and personal life, I’ve been noticing these little clues with more frequency. They offer a path away …

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(2022年5月 更新)