


(Leah Nanako Winkler)


リア・ナナコ・ウィンクラーは、ニューヨークのブルックリンに住む第一世代のハーフです。彼女は、劇、エッセイ、テレビ番組のパイロット版のライターです。リアと彼女の作品について詳しくは、 www.leahwinkler.orgをご覧ください。



A Racial Criteria: Love, Family and Long-Term Consequences

2008年9月24日 • レア・ナナコ・ウィンクラー

Now, more than ever, we have the technology and freedom to manufacture and accommodate the specificity of our chosen families and social networks. In a mix-match world of diversity, tolerance, racism and cultural cluelessness, is love really blind when it comes long-term commitments? Or is it just a matter of social comfort? A little less than two years ago, I flew to Missouri and became an egg-donor to an interracial, infertile couple seeking to make a part-Asian baby. Although I …

Analyze My Face: Hapas, exoticism and the entertainment industry

2008年5月14日 • レア・ナナコ・ウィンクラー

I have hazel eyes. My skin is pale, my nose is tall and my hips are hopelessly wide. At first glance there is nothing about me, or so I am constantly told, that looks remotely Japanese. This is why he wanted to take me out of the shot. I heard him utter the recurring phrase of my life, the one that was born in the mouths of the children at Hiroba Koen and echoed to lips of an up and …

Quarter Life Identity Crisis

2008年4月4日 • レア・ナナコ・ウィンクラー

My quarter life identity crisis began out of nowhere on the late night G train back to Bedford Stuyvesent. Four stops away from my apartment I am suddenly plagued by an overwhelming sense of bittersweet loneliness and deep-rooted frustration. All I can do is dig out my journal from my backpack and write the following four sentences down on paper: “December 2007- I have realized…that all of my feelings of loneliness resorts from lacking a sense of belonging in this …

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サイトのリニューアル ディスカバー・ニッケイウェブサイトがリニューアルされます。近日公開予定の新しい機能などリニューアルに関する最新情報をご覧ください。 詳細はこちら