


(Jaymie Takeshita)

カリフォルニア州ノースリッジ出身のジェイミー・タケシタさん(19歳)は、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)の2年生で、心理学を専攻しています。彼女はUCLA日系学生連合(NSU)のメンバーで、NSU Odoriの共同ディレクターの一人として、またコミュニティサービス委員会のメンバーとして活動しています。



42nd Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage: Everyone Has a Story to Tell, But Not Everyone Has a Chance to Tell Their Story - Part 2

2011年9月27日 • ジェイミー・タケシタ

Part 1 >>However, the part of the Manzanar Pilgrimage that meant the most to me was the Manzanar at Dusk program that evening (held at Lone Pine High School in Lone Pine, California, about eight miles south of the Manzanar National Historic Site), because that was where we, members of the UCLA Nikkei Student Union, were able to actively participate. We tried to tell the stories of those who could not be there in person by presenting creative, historically accurate …

42nd Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage: Everyone Has a Story to Tell, But Not Everyone Has a Chance to Tell Their Story - Part 1

2011年9月20日 • ジェイミー・タケシタ

I still cannot explain why I was so nervous as I waited for my great-aunt to pick up the phone about five days before the 42nd Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage on April 30, 2011. Maybe it was because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to ask. Maybe it was because I wasn’t sure if she’d be willing to talk. Or maybe it was because I wasn’t sure if she would like my surprise. Her cheerful voice answered the phone with a …

41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage: A Letter To Obaa-chan

2010年5月18日 • ジェイミー・タケシタ

Dear Grandma,Every time I talk to you on the phone, I tell you about all the things I do with the UCLA Nikkei Student Union (NSU), right? I have yet another NSU story for you. Yesterday, a bunch of us from UCLA went on the 41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage. My friends who have been on the Pilgrimage before told me that it would be a great experience; I didn’t expect it to be as amazing as it actually was. I …

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