


(Tamio Spiegel)

タミオ・シュピーゲルは、ニューヨーク生まれの日系アメリカ人の混血です。アジアや米国の企業に製造、製品開発、太平洋を越えた貿易に関するアドバイスを行っている独立コンサルタントです。ニューヨーク市を拠点とし、日本食と食文化を推進する非営利団体「The Gohan Society」の元エグゼクティブ・ディレクターです。NY NichibeiAsianWeekNikkei Heritageに芸術や時事問題に関する記事を執筆しています。



ニッケイ物語 6—いただきます 2!新・ニッケイ食文化を味わう
はい、それは重要です: 二世料理と日系アメリカ人のアイデンティティ

2017年10月6日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

私は長年、日系アメリカ人特有の食文化を称賛し体系化することを提唱してきました。この文化を私は「二世料理」と呼んでいます。二世料理は、日系アメリカ人の「第二世代」(米国で最初に生まれた人々)である日系アメリカ人(一般的には 1915 年から 1940 年の間に生まれた人々)が成人し、強制収容後に米国全土に移住し、戦後の偉大な米国中流階級の発展に加わる中で発展した、米国特有の料理です。この料理の基礎は、第一世代の日本人移民である一世が日本から持ち込んだ味覚要素と、入手可能な日本…

Photography and the Japanese American Memory on Exhibit at New Jersey College - Part 2

2014年3月21日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

Read Part 1 >> Kevin J. Miyazaki grew up in Wisconsin, aware that his father’s family had been interned in Tule Lake and, later, Heart Mountain. On a trip to Northern California, he found himself at a museum near the Tule Lake site where, in addition to information about the internment of Japanese Americans, he discovered that, starting in 1946, many buildings that had housed internees during the War had been offered to homesteaders to resettle the area after the …

Photography and the Japanese American Memory on Exhibit at New Jersey College - Part 1

2014年3月20日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

As Japanese Americans, we can state, without much argument, that we have a shared history.Specific events occurred over the span of time that constitute our existence as a community. We relate to our history through memory and citation. As Japanese Americans, do we have a shared, communal memory? The evacuation and incarceration of 120,000 people of Japanese descent from the West Coast during World War II is the most significant single event in our community’s history. It was massive in …

ニッケイ物語 2—ニッケイ+: 混ざり合う言語、伝統、世代、人種の物語
Japanese and Jewish Food Come Home to Brooklyn

2013年8月27日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

Sawako Okochi has always had a sense of adventure. When she finished high school in Hiroshima and her classmates were deciding which Japanese universities to apply to, her sights were set farther away.“Instead of going to a Japanese university, I wanted to go to an American university,” says Okochi, who had a goal of becoming a translator. “I decided to go to Texas because it was one of the cheapest places to live, and also I wanted something more in …

Pan Asian Repertory’s Plays in Progress Gives Life to “No-No Boy”

2012年11月29日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

Two months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, forcing between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese descent to live behind the barbed-wire fences of internment camps. In 1943 all interned Japanese Americans over the age of 17 completed the Application for Leave Clearance, commonly known as the “loyalty questionnaire,” as required by the US War Department and the War Relocation Authority (WRA). Based on the answers, the WRA determined who …

Oshogatsu - A Japanese Tradition in America

2012年1月3日 • タミオ・スピーゲル

When I met Julie, we shared a desire to keep our house open to our friends and community as much as possible. 1984 was our first oshogatsu as a couple. Her family did nishime. I had never heard of it before. I couldn’t imagine New Year’s without ozoni. Julie was obsessed with kuromame and chestnuts in a sweet sauce. What about those bowtie seaweed things? No self-respecting Japanese-American celebration is complete without cha siu, Chinese roast pork. We could do …

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