


(Gary T. Ono)


サンフランシスコからリトルトーキョーへ移り住んだ日系三世。近所の全米日系人博物館でボランティアのカメラマンとして活動している。2001年にはカリフォルニア人権公教育プログラム(California Civil Liberties Public Education Program)から助成金を得て、ドキュメンタリー映画「Calling Tokyo: Japanese American Radio Broadcasters of World War II」(訳注:第二次大戦中に米英軍が日本に向けて行ったプロパガンダ放送に参加した日系アメリカ人アナウンサーについてのドキュメンタリー)を制作。このドキュメンタリーの題材となった第二次世界戦中の父の仕事がきっかけで、日系アメリカ人と家族史に興味を持つようになった。

(2013年3月 更新) 


2018 年のトゥーレ湖巡礼についての見解と考察

2018年9月25日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ



2018年7月11日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ



2018年2月16日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

サムライスピリット2015年のディスカバー・ニッケイのエッセイ「第二次世界大戦の収容所におけるサムライ・スピリット」で、私は「我慢」という言葉(禅仏教に由来する日本語で「一見耐え難いことに忍耐と尊厳をもって耐える」という意味)が一世の心の中で特に強く燃えていたに違いないという信念を述べた。 「我慢」はサムライの気質の特徴でもあり、その精神が収容所での刀作りにつながったと私は信じている。以前のエッセイでは、手作りの刀2本について論じた。現在、さらに多くの刀が発見されている。ア…


2015年8月20日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ


ニッケイ物語 3—ニッケイ人の名前:太郎・ジョン・フアン・ジョアオ?
You Can Call Me Ben

2014年8月8日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” (Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet) William pretty much sums it up for me as far as names go, but it is interesting to learn about how names are determined by different times and cultures. In Japan, middle names were not used, but in the turn-of-the-century America, Japanese pioneer immigrants, Issei, in most cases gave their Nisei children, second generation Japanese in America, Japanese …

Story Behind the Name – Amache

2014年2月4日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

It’s been mentioned before: the Granada War Relocation Authority Center in Colorado, one of ten such WWII American concentrations camps scattered throughout the U.S.A., was given a name change to Amache. The name change was to avoid the confusion of having two U.S. Post Offices within a mile-and-a-half of each other with the same name. One was the nearby town of Granada; the other was the Granada WRA camp. It was a practical decision, but it turned out to provide …

Jack Muro’s Garden

2014年1月10日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

I know, I know, I’ve written about Jack Muro before!—Jack as the “Underground Photographer of Amache,” “Jack Muro’s Photo Album,” and Jack being “Patriotic After All,” but Jack keeps inspiring me to write yet another essay for the JANM Discover Nikkei website. I was getting ready to leave his and his wife Kate’s home following a successful telephone conference call interview of Jack, conducted by Denver George Washington High School students: Maureen McNamara, Haelee Chin, and Alex Barone-Camp. These same …

Jack Muro: Still Patriotic After All

2013年7月4日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

“Give me liberty or give me death!” was the climactic closing statement of a speech given by Patrick Henry, in 1775, as one of the leading founders in America’s fight for independence from England. Jack Muro, who was born December 3, 1921 and raised in Winters, California said that he and his friends loved America and all grew up very patriotic and believed in all the principles of democracy won in the hard fought battles for independence. They learned their …

Jack Muro, The Underground Photographer of Amache

2013年5月13日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

A retired photographer, I volunteer at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), in Little Tokyo, downtown Los Angeles. Having been and still involved in photography is why I was so impressed when I learned about Jack Yoshihide Muro. He was a photographer too. Jack was also like me, an inmate of Amache, a concentration camp, one of ten such War Relocation Authority camps scattered throughout the United States holding up to 120,000 of America’s Japanese as civilian prisoners for the …

Camp Pets: Doggone It! - Part 2

2012年8月28日 • ゲイリー・T・オノ

Read Part 1 >> There are other pet stories that turned out happier. Before the war, Jack Muro and his parents were farmers in Winters, California. The dog of a neighboring sheepherder family had a litter of puppies. They offered the Muro family the pick of the litter. The Muros named their chosen pup, Poochie, who grew up as a much-loved family member. After Jack graduated from Winters High School, he moved to Los Angeles to work with an uncle in …

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