


(Maryka Omatsu)

1993年、オマツ判事はカナダで東アジア系の女性として初めて判事に任命されました。1970年代に人権と環境権を中心に法律のキャリアをスタートしました。受賞歴のある著書「 Bittersweet Passage: Redress and the Japanese Canadian Experience」は、補償運動の積極的なメンバーとしての彼女の個人的な旅を物語っています。カナダ国内外で教鞭をとり、講演を行い、あらゆるレベルの政府で働き、オンタリオ州人権控訴裁判所の議長を務め、1993年にオンタリオ州裁判所判事に任命されました。2018年、オマツ判事はビデオ「 Swimming Upstream」を制作し、 2019年のトロント・コミュニティ・フィルムフェスティバルでMADA(Making a Difference Award)を受賞しました。




書評: アメリカの強制収容所法の興亡

2020年2月14日 • マリカ・オマツ


Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Lessons From the Japanese Canadian Experience - Part 3 of 3

2013年6月12日 • マリカ・オマツ

Read Part 2 >> LESSONS FROM THE JAPANESE CANADIAN EXPERIENCE Amateur volunteers working on a shoestring, we Japanese Canadian activists were armed with resolve and blessed with lucky timing. Post redress, other communities and struggles have examined the Japanese Canadian Redress victory to learn from our mistakes and successes. Of course, our experience is not necessarily transferable to other issues or locales.1 1. Determination Famed 16th century Japanese samurai Miyamoto Musashi wrote, “Combat makes apparent something that already exists. A battle is …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Lessons From the Japanese Canadian Experience - Part 2 of 3

2013年6月10日 • マリカ・オマツ

Read Part 1 >> The Redress Campaign In 1980, the community’s long-time political voice, the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC) decided to investigate redress possibilities. By 1984, the campaign began in earnest. The issue became national front page news, when then leader of the opposition, the Progressive Conservative leader Brian Mulroney challenged the Liberal Party leader, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, to do the right thing by Japanese Canadians. Initially within the Japanese Canadian community there were factions who needed to be …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Lessons From the Japanese Canadian Experience - Part 1 of 3

2013年6月7日 • マリカ・オマツ

I will begin with a story. Over a century ago, Japanese immigrants landed on North America’s shores brought by the warm waters of the “Kuroshio,” or Black Current, which travels a perpetual circle from Japan south to the Pacific Islands and then up along North America’s west coast and back again. Transplanted adventurous peasants from a feudal island, we helped to clear the forests, to harvest the seas, and to develop a virgin country. In those days, Japanese fishermen attached …

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