


(Janice E. Noguchi)




Kenjin-Kai: Overlooked in Nikkei History - Part 2 of 2

2009年9月9日 • ジャニス・E・ノグチ

>> Part 1In 1942, the Sacramento Hiroshima Kenjin-kai dissolved as members were separated and sent to different concentration camps.  Kenjin-kai members didn’t regroup until after World War II.    In 1946, the year in which the first post-war meeting was held, virtually all the previous members came back to Sacramento and tried to pick up where the kenjin-kai left off before the war.    The Hiroshima Kenjin-kai continued to offer the same types of assistance to members as it did …

Kenjin-Kai: Overlooked in Nikkei History - Part 1 of 2

2009年9月2日 • ジャニス・E・ノグチ

In researching kenjin-kai, I was appalled at the lack of interest demonstrated by the majority of authors of Japanese American historical literature who never elaborated on the significant role kenjin-kai have played in the past.  Having taken a back seat to other Japanese American organizations—the JACL, for example—the kenjin-kai have not received the recognition deserved for the innumerable ways in which they have touched Issei and Nisei lives.  In my research, I discovered that many records of past kenjin-kai were …

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