


(Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu)

スティーブン・マーフィー・シゲマツは、日系アメリカ人の多文化心理学者であり、国家、組織、家族、個人における多様性とアイデンティティの問題を理解し、明らかにすることを専門とする著者です。スタンフォード大学医学部の顧問教授であり、スタンフォード大学の人種と民族の比較研究センターとフィールディング大学院の教員でもあります。著書に『 When Half is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities』 (スタンフォード大学出版、2012年)、『 Synergy, Healing, and Empowerment: Insights from Cultural Diversity』 (リチャード・カッツとの共著)(ブラッシュ・エデュケーション、2012年)があります。



ニッケイ物語 2—ニッケイ+: 混ざり合う言語、伝統、世代、人種の物語
“I’m not half, I’m whole!”

2013年9月24日 • スティーブン・マーフィー重松

“I hate the word ‘half,’ which is used to designate people like me. I always wanted to be someone who is ‘whole.’” The young man raised his eyes to the evening sky and gazed upon the rising moon. It suddenly struck me that Byron and I were like the moon. As we are called “half,” the moon we were looking at is called a “half moon.” But like the moon, “half” is an illusion; there is much more to the …

My Transnational, Hapa Identity in Question

2013年2月22日 • スティーブン・マーフィー重松

I like to say that I have a transnational, multicultural, multiethnic identity. I am hapa, haafu, I am both/and, Japanese AND American. But I know that many others still see the world in dichotomies, as either/or, Japanese OR American. I know what I look like. I’ve seen my face in the mirror before. But I forget that others might see me differently than I see myself. And I know who I am. But I am aware that others usually do …

Hidden Hapa

2013年2月11日 • スティーブン・マーフィー重松

“Hey, what are you doing over there with the Hapa?” Kathy and I looked over and there were three of our Japanese American friends at another table smiling at us, one with a mischievous grin. Sandy had jokingly pointed out that I was a mixed blood amidst a group of full bloods. Kathy and I smiled back at them and returned to our conversation. But Kathy suddenly surprised me by saying, “Actually, I’m kind of mixed too; my mother is …

Caring for Transnational Grandparents

2013年1月30日 • スティーブン・マーフィー重松

When I walk in the park near my house in Palo Alto, California some of the elderly Chinese and Indians smile at me and my dogs while others are indifferent or scared. Like many immigrants who come here later in their lives to join children and grandchildren they are spending their last years far from their “home” countries. Their transnational families bring them here hoping that it is the best place for aging and dying. When we realized that she …

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