


(Marie Mutsuki Mockett)

マリー・ムツキ・モケットは、日本人の母とアメリカ人の父のもと、カリフォルニア州カーメルで生まれました。コロンビア大学を卒業し、東アジア研究の学位を取得しました。グレイウルフ社から出版された『Picking Bones from Ash 』は、彼女の最初の小説です。



Compartment Comportment - Part 3

2010年2月21日 • マリー・ムツキ・モケット

>> Part 2It was not for lifestyle reasons that we weren’t married. Even today, I’m unsure as to what the holdup really was all about, though I know it has something to do with the nemesis of all modern and sophisticated women who outwardly abhor Kate Hudson’s latest bridal film while hoping to cement a relationship as “committed.” Why did I never issue an ultimatum? He was beautiful, smart and kind and I loved him and he gave me plenty …

Compartment Comportment - Part 2

2010年2月14日 • マリー・ムツキ・モケット

>> Part 1Mark Twain once said: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” But the question of what you do and don’t reveal in public is very much at the heart of what it means to be in Japan, where social rules are shared and where you can anticipate most people’s responses. It is not illegal in Japan, for example, for a landlord to evict a tenant for homosexuality alone. Nor would such an act surprise …

Compartment Comportment - Part 1

2010年2月7日 • マリー・ムツキ・モケット

It was the summer of 2004 that my friend Hiro taught me how much fun it can be to lead a double life. We were hiding out in the lobby of a classy New York hotel on 57th Street. Outside, humidity squeezed through Manhattan’s canyon and up against the hotel’s glass doorway, like some invisible, fat monster in a horror movie. But inside, quiet industrial air conditioning kept us safe. Hiro had an idea for a game. We approached the …

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