


(Jenni “Emiko” Kuida)





2017年8月17日 • マヤ・クイダ=オスミ , ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ , トニー・オオスミ , エヴェリン・ヨシムラ , トレイシー・カトウ=キリヤマ

今月のニッケイ アンカバードでは、活動家/アーティストの家族と地元の伝説的人物でコミュニティ オーガナイザーによる特別な考察で、お盆の季節に別れを告げます。マイヤ、ジェニー、トニー クイダ オオスミは、お盆に先祖を偲んで踊るダンスと、コミュニティ、共通の苦難、ロサンゼルスへの敬意を結びつける詩を共有します。エブリン ヨシムラは、手放すこととダンス自体から湧き出るイメージについて考察した短いエッセイを私たちに提供します。これらの言葉が、お盆に心に浮かぶイメージと共鳴するだけで…


2015年4月20日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

大統領令 9066 号が署名されたとき、両親は二人ともまだ幼かった。母の岡崎真知子は 4 歳から 7 歳まで 4 か所に住んでいた。サンタアニタ競馬場、ワイオミング州ハートマウンテン、テキサス州クリスタルシティ、ニュージャージー州シーブルックファーム。私の祖父、岡崎正志番長は天理教の牧師でしたが、牧師という職業柄、家族と離れ離れになっていました。祖父は1944年にクリスタルシティで祖母とその5人の子供たちと再会しました。9歳の娘スミは脳腫瘍でクリスタルシティで亡くなりました…

Channeling Grandma: Passing on the Gardening Genes

2014年3月14日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

I remember walking through my Grandma Kuida’s garden as a child. She had ten or twelve rows of different vegetables growing, and lots of old rusty cans and tools. Along with a bountiful lemon tree, her small backyard garden near Crenshaw and Jefferson was filled with delicious tomatoes, Japanese cucumbers, and zucchinis. When she hunched over with her apron full of fresh-picked vegetables to send home with us, she was 4½ feet tall. But to me, she was a gardening …

Kindergactivism, is that a word?

2012年2月29日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

Some people say that if you bring kids to a political rally, that it’s not age appropriate. Well, we’ve been bringing Maiya to community events since she was two weeks old (Day of Remembrance commemorating the anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 in 1942, which led to the incarceration of 110,000 Japanese Americans, including my parents as children and Tony’s grandparents), and her first of 6 annual trips to the Manzanar Pilgrimage was when she was 14 months …

Seabrook Farms 1945... Thai Garment Workers 1995

2012年2月20日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

Ask any Japanese American enough questions, and you’ll invariably find out that you’re somehow related. You learn that your second cousin went to school with so-and-so’s neighbor, or your friend’s great-uncle used to golf with your dad. It seems like we’re always looking for those ties that bind us together as a community. A common question we JAs often ask is “What Camp were you, your parents, or grandparents in?” In my case, my mom’s family went from Santa Anita …

My Surreal Life Experience: Stand Up for Justice

2012年2月14日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

Despite how annoying it is, reality TV is here to stay. I admit that I’ve been watching episodes of “The Surreal Life.” It’s the show that joins 6 semi-celebrities in a mansion with lots of alcohol, innuendo and modern furniture. In November 2002, I joined 100 others as extras in the film project “Stand Up for Justice” in our own kind of surreal life experience, Japanese American style. Produced and presented by Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress (NCRR) and …

Mitsugi's Christmas

2011年12月24日 • ジェニ・エミコ・クイダ

This story is dedicated to my Japanese grandfathers. Keiichi Kuida and Yoshio Osumi who I never met, and Masashi Bancho Okazaki, who I wish I could remember. Mitsugi Yamamoto stared out the window on Christmas Day and wished that his daughter Lorraine would come to visit him at the Keiro Retirement Home. It had been years since her last visit. Mitsugi could still remember how excited he and his wife Sumiko were when Lorraine, their only child was born almost …

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