


(Mayumi Kodani)

小谷真由美は現在ロサンゼルスに住んでおり、作家と店主として働いています。2009 年秋にカリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校でチベット仏教の修士/博士課程を開始する予定です。



Koden (and den and den and den)

2009年4月8日 • マユミ・コダニ

“As for the matter of practicing the Dharma, there are rich people who consider themselves good devotees. They may give a hundred useful or useless things as alms, but only with the motive of getting back one thousand in return…Afraid they will not achieve their worldly aims, they try to do good; but since they are unable to renounce the desire for recognition, they are actually consuming poison with their food. Do not drink this poison of the desire for …

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