


(Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga)

アイコ・ハージグ・ヨシナガは、学生、学者、日系アメリカ人活動家の間では象徴的な人物です。アイコは、西海岸に住む 11 万人の他の日系人とともに、第二次世界大戦中、カリフォルニア州のマンザナー、アーカンソー州のジェロームとローワーの 3 つの強制収容所で過ごしました。ニューヨーク市に再定住し、そこでアジア系アメリカ人行動運動に関わるようになりました。その後、ワシントン DC の国立公文書館近くのバージニア州に移住しました。1981 年に、戦時民間人強制収容所委員会 (CWRIC) の主任研究員として採用されました。


10 年以上にわたり、アイコさんは、第二次世界大戦中の日系移民の移住と強制収容所で実際に何が起こったのかを明らかにするのではなく、曖昧にする婉曲表現のリストを作成し、共有してきました。そのリストは、元収容者で世間知らずの主婦から、CWRIC の関心の高い市民および研究者へと進化した彼女の軌跡を振り返る短い個人史を含むように拡張されました。戦時中の日系移民の移住と強制収容所に関する用語集には、置き換える必要のある婉曲表現や、この主題に関するより正確な用語法の提案が含まれています。




WORDS CAN LIE OR CLARIFY: Terminology of the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans* - Part 5

2010年3月2日 • アイコ・ハージック・ヨシナガ

Read Part 4 >> While a major controversy between the Nikkei and Jewish communities had been resolved, no such consensus emerged in responses to the JANM’s call for debate among its board members, staff, scholarly advisory group, and volunteers.   Some suggested capitulating to the early warnings from the National Park Service, such as JANM board member Grant Ujifusa, who favored dropping “concentration camps” from the title for fear of having the exhibit rejected.  But others, including this writer, sent indignant …

WORDS CAN LIE OR CLARIFY: Terminology of the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans* - Part 4

2010年2月23日 • アイコ・ハージック・ヨシナガ

Read Part 3 >>  Witness to a movement in the making Professor Daniels’ admonition resonated among scholars and Nikkei community activists.  A “Resolution Regarding Terminology” was adopted by the Civil Liberties Public Education Fund (CLPEF)–a body created in response to one of the recommendations of the Civil Liberties Act of August 10, 1988.  The CLPEF resolution states that: In the spirit of its mission, CLPEF Board is taking this opportunity to encourage the public, academia and governmental agencies to begin …

WORDS CAN LIE OR CLARIFY: Terminology of the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans* - Part 3

2010年2月16日 • アイコ・ハージック・ヨシナガ

Read Part 2 >>  Influenced and inspired by others A powerful statement was submitted to the CWRIC during a public hearing in San Francisco on August 13, 1981, by Raymond Okamura, an historical revisionist and activist.  Okamura’s 1981 statement to the CWRIC was a compelling review of euphemisms, such as “relocation,” “evacuation,” and other terms that were identical to those on my growing “Work in Progress” list.  A year later, his concerns were shared with a broader audience when his …

WORDS CAN LIE OR CLARIFY: Terminology of the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans* - Part 2

2010年2月9日 • アイコ・ハージック・ヨシナガ

Read Part 1 >>   Naive housewife evolves as concerned citizen and political activist It was when my daughter Lisa was in high school, during the turbulent years of the Vietnam war and simultaneous demands for civil rights and social justice at home, that I began to think of words that reflected puzzling contradictions between events as they actually happened versus the words that were used to describe them.  We discussed the current news and read of U.S. military press officers …

WORDS CAN LIE OR CLARIFY: Terminology of the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans* - Part 1

2010年2月2日 • アイコ・ハージック・ヨシナガ

On July 9, 1981, I submitted a memorandum on the subject “Use of term ‘concentration camps’” to the executive director of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC).  At that time, I was a member of the research staff of the CWRIC.  My memo began with this summary of my findings: A search of archival documents reveals that most government authorities, Congressional officials, as well as the public at large, referred to the 1942-46 “relocation centers” as …

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