


(Bobbie Hasselbring)

RFT (Real Food Traveler) の共同創設者であるボビー・ハッセルブリングは、生涯を通じて旅行好きです。25 年以上ライターおよび編集者として活動し、地域のグルメ旅行に関するベストセラー『 The Chocolate Lover's Guide to the Pacific Northwest』および『The Chocolate Lover's Guide Cookbook』の著者でもあるボビーは、 realfoodtraveler.comの編集長です。



Heart Mountain Relocation Center: Remembering the Shame

2013年12月9日 • ボビー・ハッセルブリング

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.   —5th Amendment of the United States Constitution. What would it be like to have your government move you to a strange place and lock your entire family behind a wire fence? That’s the question the two-year-old Heart Mountain Interpretive Center explores. Located on a lonely, windswept plain about 15 minutes from Cody, Wyoming, Heart Mountain was one of several “relocation centers” the U.S. government established during …

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