


(Simone Momoye Fujita)


シモーヌ・M・フジタは、日本人とアフリカ系アメリカ人の血を引く四世ハーフです。カリフォルニア州生まれの彼女は、ニューヨーク大学で美術史の学士号を取得し、副専攻はアジア・太平洋・アメリカ研究です。彼女はニューヨーク大学で異人種間・多人種学生協会 (BAMSA) を設立し、混血コミュニティ組織 Swirl, Inc. のロサンゼルス支部の共同設立者でもあります。シモーヌは大学時代からロサンゼルスとニューヨーク市に住み、働いてきました。この両海岸での冒険を通じて、彼女は地元の歴史、文化保存、芸術と活動の記録に興味を持つようになりました。彼女は 2012 年に UCLA で MLIS を取得し、アートセンター・カレッジ・オブ・デザインで美術司書として働いています。彼女の著作は、 Blended Nation (Channel Photographics、2009 年) とアンソロジーVoices of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Experience (ABC-CLIO、2012 年) に掲載されています。彼女はコミュニティと完璧なドーナツを常に追い求めています。



The Lessons of Mirikitani

2008年12月19日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

I recently sat down for a long overdue viewing of the documentary The Cats of Mirikitani. (Darryl Mori has written an excellent and thorough review of the film in a previous Discover Nikkei article—please check it out!) I am a bit of a documentary addict, and this film stands out among other films of the genre because it is so deeply personal and poignant. The filmmaker, Linda Hattendorf, portrays her subject, octogenarian artist Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani, at arguably the highest …

Summer Recap: Eating New York!

2008年9月26日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

I am a very big fan of food. In fact, some might even say I am obsessed with it. I schedule my weekend outings around gustatory adventures scattered across the city. Likewise, I often plan my lunch and dinner meals carefully in order to ensure that I can fit in the food craving(s) of the week. Food is often a delightful entrée (pun intended) to new lands and cultures, yet my very favorite meals are reminiscent of holidays, celebrations and …

Culture Clashes from Coast to Coast - Part 2 of 2

2008年7月18日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

>> Part 1Part 2: East Coast StyleWhen I decided to attend college in New York, I knew there would be a period of adjustment after leaving my family and home state of California, but I did not anticipate the type of culture shock that ensued. This culture shock did not arise from becoming accustomed to pedestrian life, from adjusting to life in a densely populated metropolis, or from the challenge of making new friends at a new school. Instead, my …

Culture Clashes from Coast to Coast - Part 1 of 2

2008年5月16日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

The Academy Award-winning 2004 film Crash was touted as a painfully honest and true-to-life portrayal of race relations in Los Angeles, but when I viewed the film, there was very little about it that resembled the city that my family has called home for several generations. (Perhaps this is why the movie is on my list of top ten least favorite movies of all time, but, alas, that is a story for another time.) The interactions in the film were …

Half vs. Double: Hybrid Mathematics

2008年3月28日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

My mother is Japanese American, and my father is African American.According to this equation, most would assert that this fact makes me exactly one-half Asian and one-half Black, right? I whole-heartedly disagree. When faced with an either/or dilemma, I will defiantly choose the both/and option. The sum of my parts, racially speaking, is greater than one. Let me explain: I am of the school of thought that takes the math-defying stance that mixed people are not split schizophrenically down the …

Greetings from New York!

2008年1月18日 • シモン・モモエ・フジタ

Hello, and welcome! My name is Simone Momoye Fujita, and I will be writing a new column for Discover Nikkei entitled Little Momo in the Big Apple. This bi-monthly column will be a series of reflections upon my current and past adventures living in New York City, written from the perspective of a Nikkei, an American, an Asian American, a native Californian, a Japanese American (yonsei), a twenty-eight year old woman, and a hapa all rolled into one – me! …

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