


(Haruka Chiba)

千葉遥香さんは、両親と姉が日本から移住してからわずか 4 か月後にオンタリオ州トロントで生まれた二世です。2008 年 11 月から日系カナダ文化センターの清弓会で弓道を練習しています。



Kyudo Takes Root at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

2012年3月7日 • ハルカ・チバ

When Mie Takahashi arrived in Toronto in July 2007 to study English, the 5th dan kyudoka searched for a place in the city to continue practicing kyudo.  She eventually contacted the Kyudo Association of Canada (KAC), based in Vancouver, B.C., and they put her in contact with a woman in Toronto who was interested in learning kyudo.  This was the beginning of a chain of events that brought kyudo to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC). Two packed kyudo workshops …

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