

Asian American Press


アジアン アメリカン プレスは、ミネソタ州のアジア人が地域社会で発言権を持ち、アジアの伝統を共有する必要性から生まれた、アジア人、ミネソタ州の一般住民、および中西部地域における多様性と団結を促進するための質の高いニュースと情報を提供する週刊新聞です。1982 年に設立され、コミュニティ イベントを支援し、コミュニティ参加のためのサービスを提供しています。



From Shakespeare to tiger mom Jodi Long has done it all - Part 2 or 2

2013年6月21日 • トム・ラベンチャー , Asian American Press

Read Part 1 >> Long Story Short Long will also reprise her one-woman show, Surfing DNA, this June with East West Players in Los Angeles. Her performance about her own growing up in a show business family earned Long an Ovation Nomination for Best Solo Performance in 2012. The film documentary version of Long Story Short, directed by Academy Award-nominated Christine Choy, is Long’s screenwriting debut. The film tells the same story about her vaudevillian parents as the Larry and Trudie Leung …

From Shakespeare to tiger mom Jodi Long has done it all - Part 1 of 2

2013年6月14日 • トム・ラベンチャー , Asian American Press

Jodi Long was made for the theater. Yet, she enjoys her work in films and has a knack for playing judges and tiger moms on television. Long is a Broadway actress with more than 30 major theater roles, and appearances in 18 feature films, dozens of television shows, and produced her own documentary about her theatrical parents. She is going strong with television and her own one-woman theater project for 2013. “I have made a living from acting for a …

Nisei Served in All Services During WWII

2013年2月7日 • ジェームス・マキルウェイン , Asian American Press

Rehoboth, Mass. (Sept. 2, 2012)—Accounts of Japanese American participation in the military in World War II have understandably focused on the men and women of the 100th Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Military Intelligence Service of the US Army. Over 30,000 individuals served in these units from the beginning of the war through the occupation of Japan. Equally well documented are instances of men who attempted to enlist in the Army Air Corps, the Navy and the …

442nd Was High Point of Long Army Career

2013年2月1日 • ジェラルド・A・グスタフソン , Asian American Press

As a U.S. Army Lieutenant in 1944, I reported to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team Headquarters at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, where I saw the soldiers and wondered who they were, Chinese, Filipino, or Siamese? I admit I had some misgivings and wondered if I had volunteered for the right outfit. The answer to my question was provided a few minutes later when I was ushered into the office of the Regimental Commander, Colonel Charles W. Pence. He assigned me to …

Inouye Death End of Era

2013年1月22日 • Asian American Press

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 17, 2012) — The passing of Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawai‘i last week at age 88, was the loss of the last and perhaps greatest Nisei generation veteran and statesman to serve the United States. As President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate, Inouye was the highest-ranking Asian American in U.S. Government. Inouye also served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Commerce Committee and was the first Chairman of the Senate Select Committee …

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