BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091121T000000Z DTEND:20091121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In Japanese American Resettlement through the Lens\, Lane Ryo H irabayashi gathers a unique collection of photographs by War Relocation Au thority photographer Hikaru Iwasaki\, the only full-time WRA photographer from the period still living. This book explores the WRA's use of photogra phy in its mission to encourage "loyal" Japanese Americans to return to so ciety before the end of the war\, and also to convince Euro-Americans that this was safe and advantageous. Hirabayashi assesses the relative success of this project\, and discusses how\, although they were created as part of the government's official record\, the WRA photos can be appropriated a nd utilized for other purposes\, today. \n\n While previous articles and b ooks have discussed specific photographers\, such as Dorothea Lange\, Anse l Adams\, Russell Lee\, and Toyo Miyatake\, no author has considered the i nstitutional dimensions of the WRA's photo operations as a whole\, includi ng the set up and operation of the WRA Photography Section [WRAPS] in down town Denver\, Colorado. Drawing from archival sources and interviews\, Hir abayashi delineates the mission\, method\, and make up of WRAPS. The book is thus an original contribution to the history of mass incarceration\, an d an illustration of the federal government's refinement in its use of ins titutional photography as a tool for shaping public opinion in favor of it s policies. DTSTAMP:20240603T235932Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Resettlement through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the WRA's Photographic Section\, 1943-1945 URL:/en/events/2009/11/21/japanese-american-resettlement-through-the-lens-h / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR