Descubra a los Nikkei

Decided to Come to America Because Uncle Invited Him (Japanese)

(Japanese) My uncle was in Colorado after spending some time in the internment camp. He was making sweet radishes and corn. I say corn but perhaps it’s not only those that can be eaten but I think he was also growing some for horse feed because when I look at photos from that time, the corn was very tall. After the war, my uncle was able to come back here (California) and returned to his farm.

My uncle had two daughters and both daughters had husbands. The older daughter’s husband was a farmer but since the uncle and his wife were Meiji Era hard workers, they did not think that their daughter’s husband was a good fit as a farmer, I think. That is why they were asking if there was anyone that can help – since I happened to do some agricultural related jobs for Miyagi prefecture, they thought I would be a good fit for them. Then, they negotiated with my mother saying, “You have many children, especially boys so please give us one of your children.”

I am the second from the youngest child. I had two older brothers. That’s why they negotiated with my mother to send me to the United States. I actually didn’t know about this but when I heard, I simply thought, “Okay, perhaps I can go”. But if I go, I thought I would be spending my rest of the life here.

Fecha: May 8, 2007

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Mistue Watanabe

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Yoshihito Yonezawa, nació en Nakaniidamachi en la Prefectura de Miyagi. Estudió tecnología en agricultura en el Instituto de agricultura y trabajó como técnico agricultor en la prefectura. Por esta razón, su tío que tenía un rancho en los Estados Unidos, le pide que lo ayude en sus negocios. En julio de 1956 emigró a los Estados Unidos.

Los primeros 2 años, Yonezawa cultivó vegetales y frutas en el rancho de su tío en el Imperial Valley en el estado de California. Desde esta época, su tío lo lleva a participar en diferentes actividades de Miyagi Kenjikai. Su tío le recomienda estudiar inglés y se muda a Los Ángeles para estudiar el idioma. Yonezawa realizó diferentes trabajos para sustentar su vida. Finalmente encuentra un trabajo en UPS (United Parcel Service) donde trabajó 32 años hasta su retiro en 1992.

Luego de su retiro, Yonezawa, fue elegido presidente de Miyagi Kenjinkai. Actualmente continúa en su cargo. (Febrero de 2009)