Day Of Remembrance at UCSB

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Film & Other Media

Feb 201721

UC Santa Barbara
MultiCultural Center
University Center Room 1510
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California, 93106-2036
United States

The Nikkei Student Union of UC Santa Barbara is hosting Day Of Remembrance on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 on the UCSB Campus at the Multicultural Center from 6-9pm screening the Manzanar Fishing Club with a Q&A with director Cory Shiozaki and Special Guest Manzanar internee Mas Okui following the movie. The event is free to the public and students. Event will be on campus at the Multicultural Center Theater, room 1510. Parking near the theater are in the Green lots after 5pm. Before 5 in the Yellow lots. Additional details email Laura Yoshihara:


docfilm . Última actualización Feb 15, 2023 11:57 p.m.

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