BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150117T000000Z DTEND:20150117T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us at JAMsj for the grand opening of our new exhibit\, Twi ce Heroes and More \, as award-winning author/photographer Tom Graves unve ils six never-before-seen portraits and interviews of local veterans\, cre ated especially for this exhibit (not in his 2013 book).\n\n&bull\; Kats umi &quot\;Kats&quot\; Hikido (Campbell)--Injured both legs in a land mine accident w hile serving in Europe with the 442 Regimental Combat Team (RC T) \n &bull\; Buster Ichikawa (San Jose)--Wounded in Italy near the end of the war\, in an attack which killed soldiers behind and in front of him \ n &bull\; Tak Ota (Gilroy) MIS--Lost his uncle in the bombing of Hiroshima \n &bull\; Leo Oyama (San Jose)-- Served in France and Italy with the K C ompany of the 442 \n &bull\; Frank Shimada (San Jose)--Wounded by a grenad e while serving in Europe with the 442 \n &bull\; Hiroshi &quot\;Terry&quo t\; Terakawa (San Jose)--U.S. Army Corporal\, Korean War \n \n Graves from his collection\, showcase veterans from Northern California\, including L awson Sakai\, recipient of four Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star medal.\n \ n In addition to Graves' photos\, the new exhibit will feature five custom -made soldier GI Joe dolls by Rian Ebesugawa\, first vice commander at the Nisei Veterans Committee (NVC) in Seattle\, where many of his amazing Nis ei soldier dolls are on display. Four new dolls\, made especially for JAMs j\, will be gifted to our museum: a soldier in WWII dress uniform\, one in 442nd battle gear\, an MIS soldier\, and a Korean War soldier in winter b attle gear will be featured. The fifth soldier doll is from the private co llection of Tosh Yasutake. It is one of the very first made by Ebesugawa a nd represents a WWII medic\, modeled after Yasutake.\n\nThe exhibit also i ncludes various artifacts from the featured veterans and the JAMsj collect ion. On display for the first time will be a scrapbook containing many of the poignant letters WWII Nisei soldiers wrote back to members of the Crus aders will be shown for the first time. The Crusaders were a group of youn g women in the WWII confinement camps who wrote to Nisei soldiers to boost their spirits. The group was organized by Mary Yuriko Nakahara\, who late r became a civil rights icon\, perhaps better known under her married name \, Yuri Kochiyama. \n \n The January 17 program for the exhibit's grand op ening will include a special Q&amp\;A with some of the local veterans feat ured in the exhibit. \n \n Cost: Free with admission to the museum (non members\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and c hildren under 12\, free). \n \n Contact or call ( 408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot. DTSTAMP:20240604T112254Z SUMMARY:Twice Heroes and More Grand Opening URL:/en/events/2015/01/17/twice-heroes-and-more-grand-opening/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR